Below are high level thoughts. Everything has nuance and room for discussion.

You are the best person to control your life. I am the best to control mine. As long as you are not affecting others or harming children, you do you. The government should not interfere in the lives of the individual or steal resources from its citizens. Government belongs to its Citizens, NOT the other way around.

Talk to your neighbors. Get involved with your community. Join local service organizations such as Elks, Knights of Columbus, VFW, AOH, Rotary, etc. Let’s build our communities up instead of hiding away from each other. We know our neighborhood. To the government, we are just numbers. If we don’t help each other because we are waiting on the government, help will never come.

How do I register to vote?
Or Am I registered to vote?

Check out the Missouri Secretary of State Website here:


Gun Control is vital to a polite society. Gun control means using 2 hands and clearing your target downrange. Education is key. I believe a Basic Gun Safety Course should be a requirement to graduate High School. The Second Amendment protects All your other Rights.

Censorship & the 1st Amendment:

I encourage the use of the 1 st amendment. If you cannot express your thoughts, they are enslaving your mind. You are not free if you are not allowed to think for yourself. We need to hear the bad ideas so we can refute them. We need to hear opposing views so we can grow/change our own. The corporate media has become a propaganda machine. We should encourage independent journalists and open discussions with our neighbors and community.


Taxation is theft. Inflation is a Tax on the poor and middle class. Disband the IRS. Income tax should not be levied on individuals making less than $250,000 per year or $750,000 for Families. A flat tax of 3% should be instituted beyond that.

Property taxes should be a minimal for residences. Property Tax should not be levied on vehicles as they are taxed at purchase and when refueled.

Political Lawfare

The creative use of charges and Judges that deny due process for political purposes is unconstitutional. Prosecuting attorneys and judges and the politicians that direct them should be disbarred and incarcerated.

Big Brother Surveillance State:

The 4 th and 5 th amendment requires the government to prove a reason to invade your property and person. ALL warrantless intrusion into your life is unconstitutional.

Federal Over-Reach:

The 10 th amendment says that any powers not explicate in the Constitution to the Federal Government belong to the States or the People. A vast majority of government institutes violate this. It is the Duty of the States to inhibit these organizations from affecting the People. It is the Duty of the People to inhibit the State.

Foreign Aid:

Having positive relationships with foreign powers are of great benefit to the US. However, the US is not the World’s Bank. The funds we create for foreign wars could EASILY fix many issues here at home.

Criminal Migration:

This country was built on the blood, sweat, and tears of immigrants that came to this country through legal channels. The cultures and foods of these people have collectively made our country the most inclusive on the planet. Many of our greatest citizens were/are foreign born. They have shared their cultures and weaved them into our collective American Culture. They did not isolate themselves or demand the US conform to them. I highly encourage legal migration both in and out of our great country.

Allowing criminal aliens to enter our country is an insult to everyone that came here legally. Programs supporting these criminals literally steals resources from US Citizens and directly go against our Constitution.

Voter ID & Election Integrity:

EVERYONE can get an ID.
NON-Citizens can get an ID.
There is no excuse for not having an ID at the point of election or registration. The evident fraud in not using Voter ID is easy to see for yourself. Chose any week and look at the number of DEAD NEW Voters.

The SSA database which is updated weekly shows some alarming numbers of dead people registering to vote. In MO, the week of Feb. 17, 2024, over 23K dead people tried to register. We also have “immortal voters” some of which have been voting since 1890s. In St Louis City, ballots are shred immediately after counting. How can you do a recount or verify the vote?

Ranked Choice Voting should also be utilized.

Reproductive Rights

Personally I believe abortion is, in general, wrong. However, my morality may not apply to you. Unless the child has reached independent viability, it is the decision of the parents whether or not to allow the child to develop.

I am against the use of chemical castration, hormone blockers, or physical mutilation on children for transitional purposes as these are irreversible.

If you are an adult, go nuts. Pun intended.


Disband the Department of Education. They have not achieved any improvements since its inception in the 1980s. Vocational schools should be re-instated. Home Economics and “Basic skills” should be re-introduced to the curriculum.


We should be good stewards of the environment. As a hunter and someone that has worked in sustainability for years, I encourage responsible environmental use. Climate Change is a natural phenomenon that has been abused by politicians and other organizations to cause fear and insert control. The story changes every ten years.

Do your part as a responsible individual and leave everyone else alone. So don’t litter or dump hazardous chemicals, but eat your steak, use your gas/wood-burning stove, and drive your maintained vehicle.


End the Federal Reserve. Bring back the bi-metal standard. Capitalism and free- markets often gets blamed for failures brought by the Government. If we reduce the government and reclaim our rights, everyone will be better off. Communism/Socialism has not worked in anyplace its been tried. Look at Korea. All things being equal, the north used the communist model, the south capitalism.

Which part would you like to live in?

Racism, DEI, CRT

The most racist thing is convincing a group of people they are special because of a cosmetic difference. These programs that are meant to aid others are essentially saying these groups are too stupid, lazy, or otherwise unable to or incapable of be equal to other groups.

Genetically, we are all practically the same. We are all capable of learning, working, and cooperating together. Your amount of pigment or lack thereof does not make you inferior or superior. Culturally, we have our differences. That does not prohibit us from living and working together. Celebrate your culture. Share it with as many as you can. Weave it into the fabric of the Nation. Embrace your ethnicity. Don’t use it as an excuse. Be your best self, put forth your best effort, and don’t let people get in your head, and you can achieve anything.

Voting for a 3rd party is a wasted vote.”- No vote made is wasted. I am often told that by voting for a 3 rd party I am voting for the greater evil. I state that by not voting for the lesser evil, I am voting for the greatest good. Imagine if everyone changed their framing to such. The more options the likelihood of higher quality candidate. The 2 party system is the illusion of choice. Re-elect No-One! Vote third party {even if not for me.} “My (one) vote doesn’t matter.”- “What can I do, I am just one person.” – These 2 statements are defeatist and shameful. What you are really saying is I am afraid. Afraid of persecution. Afraid of what others might think. Afraid of personal accountability.

As an individual, you are the smallest minority. As an individual, you can set an example for your peers. As an Individual, you can educate and elevate those around you.
When you find like minded individuals, you can start a movement.
Movement gains momentum.
Momentum moves mountains.

Recommended reading The Constitution Common Sense by Thomas Paine

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